A review by novelsatnorthanger
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


I went into this book with pretty high expectations (but also some reservations) because everyone seems to rave about it. And let me tell you, it 100% met the hype.
My biggest question is for myself and it's BY THE STARS, WHY IN THE WORLD DIDN'T YOU READ THIS SOONER?!
This book was just so incredible and the characters <u> THE CHARACTERS </u> were so amazing!
Linh Cinder - A kick butt lead and exactly what this novel needed! She was constantly attacked by her step-monstermother and stepsisters (mostly Pearl) but still chose to help them because that's what her father would have wanted. She is the epitome of rising above and becoming better despite your upbringing and surroundings. She's a true inspiration.
Prince Kaito - Can I just start by saying that his and Cinder's meeting is literally the cutest thing I've ever read? *squeals* Okay moving on, Kai is one of the best male leads I have yet to encounter. He is strong, diplomatic, caring, and all together a great guy.
Once his father passes away and he is handed the crown he could have curled up into a ball and cried, but he didn't he stood strong and was willing to do whatever needed to be done for the country.
He is a true man.
Dr. Erland - He is a very interesting character.
From the moment we meet him, it seems like we are supposed to hate him, but once it's revealed that he too is a Lunar, you begin to root for him and you hope that he is still alive once Cinder reaches Africa.

Linh Peony - She is such a cool character. She is Cinder's stepsister and as you know from the original Cinderella, she is a horrible character but in Marissa's world of New Beijing, that's just not the case.
It completely tore my heart out when Peony died, I was deeply saddened and I would have loved to see where her character went and how far she would've gone to protect Cinder.

Linh Adri & Levana - I'm just going to put you into the same category so I can say it at the same time - I HATE YOU. BYE. YOU CAN LEAVE NOW.
and also I miss you <3.

All in all this book is absolutely wonderful it will definitely become a classic. If you haven't picked up this book yet, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? This is one of the best books I've read in a long time!
This is what a YA novel should be.