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A review by theqissilent
Her Halloween Treat by Tiffany Reisz


Will write a real review soon.


Originally posted on 80 Books Blog.

**I received a copy of this book from the author and NetGalley in exchange for an honest.**

It is definitely going to be a Happy Halloween if Tiffany Reisz is writing about it. Because she just writes good shit.

Is it okay to say shit in a review?

Her Halloween Treat is laugh-out-loud funny one second ("You know the old saying - if at first you don't succeed, fuck that guy again."), and dirty, kinky, sexy, sexy, SEXY the very next. So much sexy, dirty, banter. Chris is a master craftsman at the dirty talk. He's that racy HGTV fantasy we all have. Don't deny it!

And there's an 80s-themed wedding (that's so Oregon), which I am stealing for my next birthday party.

Of course, I can't forget Joey who gives as good as she gets in the sexy, witty banter department. I don't think I would've held up as well as she did if I found out my boyfriend of two years was married. She also has pretty good taste is best friends too. Kira is a riot.

This first book in the Men at Work series is hilarious, cute, and naughty. I can't wait to get my hands on the other two. It gets a Miss J gif for awesomeness.