A review by byakko130
Ariah by B.R. Sanders



This book shattered my soul and brought it back together, multiple times! I want to read it a thousand times more, and then a thousand times again! There is so much love and life experience woven into this story and it's characters. I felt like I was experiencing it first hand at times. Like I was sitting in Ariah's living room listening to him tell this story over a family dinner.

The books itself reads like an auto-biography. The world and the characters and races aren't explicitly stated. It's very much up to the reader to immerse themselves and pick up on the details. While it was a bit tough to do this in the first chapters, it was easy enough to see the patterns as I read on, and on and on!

A great read for those looking for magic, elves, love, and the difficulties of being understood. It's a very kind book, with a happy ending!