A review by ibatra
The Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels


A good introduction to various ethical theories - utilitarianism, social contract theory, virtue ethics, Kantian rules, and the ethics of care. I found the explanations clear and the examples thought-provoking. I thought Rachels did a good job laying out his reasoning for the strengths and limitations of each theory.
I appreciated how the book noted the contribution of feminist philosophers to moral philosophy, and wish it had included more such discussions of how philosophers' identities can bias them towards certain ethical theories.
I found the last chapter unsatisfying. Rachels ended up outlining the moral theory that was most plausible to him. This was interesting but I think should have been in an appendix. Instead, I would have preferred to have seen a synthesis of the main concepts, questions to guide the reader in formulating their own ethical theory, and resources for what to read next.