A review by meganewanchuk
Cleaner of Bones by Meg Kassel



This prequel had no significant extra information or plot line at all, as a prequel should have, but once again, what was I expecting with this series? I was intrigued by the idea of a prequel because I thought it would include some backstory on Reece, possibly go into detail about his life before becoming cursed, the thoughts and feelings at the beginning of the curse, etc., but no. 

Literally all this “prequel” was was some of the beginning chapters of “Black Bird of the Gallows,” the other book in this series, that were originally told in Angie’s perspective, rewritten in Reece’s. I knew everything that was happening, everything that was going to happen, and so many scenes just dragged on making this book seem way longer than it actually was, in the worst way possible. 

Although there was the smallest *hint* of backstory for the character of Reece, it lasted for about two pages, and didn’t go into any deep details about the life of Reece before becoming cursed or what he felt at the beginning of the curse before becoming used to it all. 

Overall, this was nothing special at all. I know my expectations should have been lower, but I just wanted more backstory of Reece, rather than the plot line and conversations I already had to suffer through once in the first book in the series. The only reason I gave it 1.5 was because I liked the tie-in conversation between Reece and a character from the second book in the series “Keeper of the Bees.” But yea. This was a true waste of my time✨