A review by mcgbreads
The Laws of the Skies by Grégoire Courtois

dark fast-paced
  • Loveable characters? No


It seems I'm on a bad streak... I really didn't like this to the point where I feel like all the booktubers I usually align with who loved this book lied about how great they thought it was. 

The way that you have to suspend disbelief for this story to work at all is what got me. I just couldn't do it. The idea of a 6-year-old kid (no matter how fucked up he may be by his abusive and psychopathic father) being able to easily murder a couple of adults and hunt down all the kids in his class and murder quite a few of them in gruesome ways was so ludicrous to me. 

And, hey, I've been down the true crime rabbit hole. I know kids are capable of doing awful things to other kids and the odd adult. But at 6? Give me a break. If they were at least 10 years old and the deaths were a little more plausible, I think that would've worked much better. 

Another issue I had is that the writing wasn't my cup of tea at all. The way sentences were built and the way it was narrated was very strange to read. It felt... generated. It might have been the translation, and that's a shame cause I'm not rereading this book in French to find out if it's any better that way. 

Even if that wasn't an issue, the way that the story switches POV often from one paragraph to the next was messy. Worst of all, these characters were just words on a page and that's unacceptable. I should care about them cause they're small children dying in awful ways, but I couldn't have cared less cause they didn't feel like people. 

I just... no. This didn't work for me and it was a 5-star prediction based on what I had heard about it.