A review by serinde4books
Pretty Little World by Elizabeth LaBan, Melissa DePino


This is a Mom’s Book Nook Book of the month. It is the story of three families that tear down their walls literally and combine their three individual homes into a single large home. My best friend lives 3 houses down from me and we do lots of stuff including holidays together, but sharing a kitchen and living rooms sounds like the end of our friendship to me.
The wives are for, 2 of the 3 husbands are ok with the idea. The hold out changes his mind when he had a medical scare and the crazy commune idea begins. It went about like how I expected, drama and weirdness, and not really working out. But only one family was broken up, and that break up really had nothing to do with the commune.  I liked the writing, it was easy and light and the story moves at a good pace.  It felt predictable, but that is ok.  Sometimes it's nice to have a fun light book to read.

For additional reviews please see my blog at www.adventuresofabibliophile.blogspot.com