A review by cozywbooks
All the Chaos of Constellations by Hillary Raymer


Do I like this book? Umm, yes and no. I liked the plot but not the romance. I felt no romantic connection between the couple. I think he needs to work on himself about his childhood abuse by his father, like the relationship between his parents ( his father used to beat his mom) is clearly affecting his expectations from a relationship. Asher is scared that he might become like his father. So yes, I would have liked the book more if he resolved his issues instead of forcing him to be in a relationship by using fear that Novalise is in danger. That means, if Novalise was never in danger, he would have never thought of being in a relationship with her. Does he even genuinely like her? His mind is always occupied with his childhood. How can he suddenly forget that and be with Novalise when the entire relationship is not what he wanted. I may not explain well, but I hope you are getting what I mean. Decent plot but the ml is emotionally distant even towards the end.