A review by bookwormishme
Streetlight People by Charlene Thomas


For centuries, man has tried to control time. Relive the good days. Change the bad. Stop time from moving forward. In Streetlight, there are powerful families that apparently do have the power to control time. When a teenage girl named Kady stumbles across this ability, she just wants to use it to have her time with her boyfriend Nik last longer.

Nik is one of the IV boys, a secret society at the elite private school Iverson. In Streetlight Kady describes them as the have-lots, while on her side of town are the have-nots. Normally the two do not intermingle. Kady and Nik have crossed those lines. Still, Nik keeps her at arm’s length from IV. He refuses to take her to the annual ball, attended by the have-lots and their select guest list. Kady is blatantly unwelcome.

Then there is Aaron. Nik’s IV brother, and Kady’s friend. Aaron tries to keep Kady from abuse by the IV boys, but there is only so much he can do. When Kady stumbles upon the truth of what is really happening in Streetlight, Aaron might be the only thing that can save her.

Truly creative novel about being a teen, not belonging, even when it’s the town you’ve grown up in. Of power and the abuse of power by those who have more. It’s so well written and engaging. Kady is a hero and anti-hero all in one, but when presented with her ultimate choice, will she choose the good or the power?

I really enjoyed this one. Twists and turns and self-reflection abound. It’s wild.