A review by incipientdreamer
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir


3.5 -4 stars

"One flesh, one end, bitch. "

Is it bad that I immediately want the next book after THAT ending?? tbh idk?
“Of course we’re not running,” said Harrowhark disdainfully. “I said a necromancer alone. I have you. We bring hell.”

Gideon the Ninth was a hell of a ride. It's basically necromancers and their bodyguards in space, exploring a haunted and creepy house, but then the bodies start turning up. Part Among Us fanfic, part murder-mystery, enemies-to-finally-friends. But gay. Definitely the wackiest and weirdest SFF book I've ever read. At some points, I felt like crying with frustration, while at other times, I couldn't help laughing and smiling at the characters. It starts off shaky, with a whole lot of info-dumping. I'm someone who doesn't mind info-dumping, as my favorite thing about the SFF genre is learning and reading about new worlds/magics. But the issue with Gideon the Ninth is that, even till the last page, I still had a flimsy understanding of how the magic system and the necromancy works.
The first two Acts are pretty slow plotwise, and nothing much happens apart from Gideon wandering around Canaan House. It's pretty much like that until Harrow and Gideon team up and start working together. The plot was interesting from that point on, and I had a hard time putting the book down. There is ALOT of gore and violence in this book, so I wouldn't advise reading it during/after a meal.
“Harrow, I hate you,” said Gideon. “I never stopped hating you. I will always hate you, and you will always hate me. Don’t forget that. It’s not like I ever can.”

I think the best feature of this book is the characterization. Gideon is an absolute joy to read; you can't help rooting for her and loving her. Harrow is a bit harder to like, but by the end, I had softened towards her too. The rest of the cast is equally entertaining and mysterious though, Palamedes Sextus and Camilla are probably my favs among the other necro-cav pairs.
The writing is witty and snarky, but at times it gets too thick and difficult. The descriptions are terribly difficult to visualize; I bet you I understood like 5% of all the fight/action scenes. And there are A Lot of fighting scenes. The writing ended up clunky, and I found myself rereading passages trying to decipher if it was English or something else entirely. However, as I said, the banter and the wit partially make up for it.
"You are my only friend. I am undone without you.”

I also really loved Gideon and Harrow's entire dynamic. Their relationship developed very genuinely and wasn't at all forced. The character development was also pretty great.
I am your creature, gloom mistress. I serve you with fidelity as big as a mountain, penumbral lady.”

Harrow’s eyes flickered open. “Stop.”

“I am your sworn sword, night boss.”

“Fine,” said Harrow heavily.

Now that brings us to the ENDING. That ending that idk whether to hate or to hope that it will change in the next book.
Spoiler Because here's the thing: if Gideon's death is permanent, that means this book is another one of those "bury your gays" trope. We went through all that development between the two, for what? For one lesbian to sacrifice her life for another? No, I don't dig that, and if this really is the ending to Harrow and Gideon's story, then I'm sorry I hate this book. BUT I am an idiotic idealist when it comes to books, and I trust in the ratings of Goodreads reviewers to HOPE that book 2 shows us Gideon revived. Rant Over.