A review by eantoinette285
Mud Vein by Tarryn Fisher


Ideally, I'd like to wait until morning and sleep on my thoughts, but I think it's better to just write.

Tarryn Fisher has quickly become one of my main inspirations to pick up old projects and finish a novel... Sooner rather than later. I must thank her profusely for that alone!

I'm not even sure how I'd classify her stories. There's drama, thrill, angst, psychology, romance, death, darkness, etc. Mud Vein certainly did NOT disappoint!

Through Senna and Isaac, I was able to see what true love and real soul mates consist of and what they can accomplish together. Considering this story was nothing that I expected, I'm glad I kept the pages turning to see how their story would end.

If you're looking for steamy scenes and a happy ending of weddings, the taking of names, vows, and a gaggle of babies, then this book might not be for you. Yes, love is a key element in this tale, but it doesn't blossom the way your run-of-the-mill love story comes about. Isaac and Senna have to weed through seemingly eternal darkness and even embrace the idea of death on multiple occurrences in order to be set free and realize their truth. Even then, they're not out of the woods.

Were they too late to enjoy true love?