A review by wyntrchylde
Infidel: Bel Dame Apocrypha Volume 2 by Kameron Hurley


Author: Kameron Hurley
Publisher: Night Shade Books
Publishing Date: 2011
Pgs: 351
Science Fiction
Sword and Sorcery
Dark Fantasy

Why this book:
I read other of the adventures of Nyx and her cadre and definitely wanted more.
The Feel:

Favorite Character:
Nyx. She’s rough. She’s a bastard. She’s a scarred up hero who doesn’t want to be a hero, in a world that teeters on the edge of livability and in the bared teeth of people who want to burn it all down and rule over the ashes, regardless of the body count.

Favorite Scene:
A mother’s rage. Things can never be the same. But get my revenge. Yeah. That was well done.

Favorite Concept:
A Bel Damme civil war??? Wow. That’d be like a Jedi civil war…if everybody was a Sith…so, a Sith civil war with no Rule of 2. There has to be a cadre of them within the Bel Dammes who don’t want this. Nyx can’t be the only one with a conscience…buried as it may be.

Was worried that our time skip since the last book was too big and we were going to lose the other characters and just be Nyx’s story, which since she is the main character wouldn’t be bad, but I’m glad the others are still in there, even with the years between. Course with the way the previous team is acting screw them. Let the fire take them. I had forgotten that they had rode away, betrayed her, and left her for dead.

Calling the Ball:
Nyx fighting for the preservation of the monarchy…probably not. Fighting to stop the killing or keep the killing from getting worse, that I can see. And those who think she’s a weapon to be aimed at their enemies fail to realize that she is more than capable of aiming herself at her enemies…all of them. And considering that they have used her bounty hunter/assassination services before, they should know better.

Logic Gaps:
Suspecting that the addict magician/hedge witch would sell them out…and then she does, but you didn’t prepare for the eventuality that she would. Nyx is smarter than that, even with whatever bug infection was swimming inside her.

Khos not figuring out that they’re marked whether they stay with Nyx and help her finish this or not. Figure Inana knows or is a lot closer to figuring it out than he is.

Movies and Television:
Would love to see this, but I seriously doubt they could do it justice. Maybe as an anime.
Well paced.