A review by stephdaydreams
Text Appeal by Kylie Scott


Text Appeal certainly lived up to its name!
The clever use of text messaging brought into the narrative terrific humor, bantering, friendship, and the catalyst to the heart of the story.

I really enjoyed Riley as a protagonist, this is her book and she dominates it quite well. She's a breath of fresh air, and I loved how firmly she stood her ground from beginning to ending. She never once wavered, which I greatly admired. She brought heart, snark, and all the dynamite in banter. I loved her!

I admit, I don't mind some other woman drama, but this one comes with a twist. I was slow to warm to the change, but by narrative's end, I thought it was one of the strongest facets of the story. I wholly embraced it. It not only made sense, but it really helped to layer Riley's character and arc, as it brought forth an unexpected dynamic.

This is a single POV story, which I don't mind at all, but in this instance I felt Connor's POV was sorely missing. He was a difficult nut to crack and certain decisions and actions he made in the final act were hard to forgive. I do think, had we his POV, it would be much easier to understand him. His POV would have really helped the romance along, but at the same time, I understand the appeal of keeping him a mystery, so there is true discovery as layer by layer is revealed.

Overall, this book brought the laughs and the swoons, and I had quite a nice time reading!

If you enjoy fake dating, small town romancing, and clever humor, be sure to check out Text Appeal! 3.5✨

Thank you Valentine PR for this complimentary copy, I leave this honest review voluntarily.