A review by shellballenger
Revelation by Randi Cooley Wilson


Type of read: Conference/Travel Read.

What made me pick it up: Suggested by a friend and coworker who is letting me borrow the series after they're done reading them.

Overall rating: Here's the thing, sometimes you just need a simple, easy, supernatural romance to get you out of a reading rut. Is this the best writing I've ever read? Absolutely not. Do certain parts of the book read super clunky and unnatural? You bet they do. Does the character dialog fit the character description and where they're supposed to be at in their lives? Ha..ha..hahahahahahahaha, no. Have I probably read this book (plot/characters/etc.) a million times before? Oh yes, it is absolutely not original. Am I still diving into the second book because it makes me feel like teenage me all over again, it's an easy read, and it doesn't take up too much of my brain power? Yup, yup, and yup. I like the general storyline and characters. I like the different worlds. And I like that it's not overcomplicated (yet). Overall, not mad at Revelation and I'll keep going on with the series as long as I'm not annoyed and as long as my coworker shares. Here's your reminder that not every book you read needs to be mind-numbingly great and you can read something that is just enjoyable - whether it's because you like picking out the grammatical errors or envisioning yourself acting alongside one of the main characters. Reading really isn't that serious.

Reader's Note: Revelation includes themes of death, dying, assault, and slight (super slight) sexual tension. Like, spice-level bell pepper, but the thought is there.