A review by tumblyhome_caroline
Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus


Prometheus Bound might be short but it is huge in every other respect. Whatever Prometheus intended by giving man fire and knowledge, his punishment feels a tiny bit extreme maybe. Cruicified on a rock with eagles feasting on him by day only to regenerate at night and face the eagles again the next day.
A story that sounds sort of familiar in many ways. This was luscious to read for the language.. easy to read in the translation by Penguin/Vellacott and extremely thought provoking.
It was written around 400/500 BCE but it feels so modern… There were two more plays following this that are largely lost to us.. maybe one day they will turn up in an archeological dig

I enjoyed reading this a lot but did feel Prometheus was not quite the selfless saviour he wanted us to believe.