A review by wyntrchylde
Ash Ock by Christopher Hinz


Ash Ock
By Christopher Hinz
Publisher: Tor
Published In: New York, NY
Date: 1989
Pgs: 341

Earth is an irradiated light that shines in the sky. The Earthlings live in metal and glass cylinders orbiting the planet. After hundreds of years, the Earth is healing...slowly. She survived the hammer blows of biological contamination, radiation, and the wastefulness of Man. Man escaped to the cylinders with his genetic descendents on his heels. The Paratwa, believed destroyed many years ago, are returning. They escaped the apocalypse as well. The twin psycho killing genetic creatures in humanoid form are coming home. Man isn’t inclined to welcome them back. The Paratwa are coming.

science fiction, genetics,

Main Character:
Gillian, the surviving tway of the Ash Ock paratwa, Empedocles, the soldier of the Royal Caste. The traitor. The hunter of other paratwa down history, spending time between outbreaks in a cryogenic hybernation matrix. The one who shouldn’t have survived his tway being killed. The one who may be losing his mind as he can hear Empedocles in his mind...and sometimes, he can see Catherine, his opposite tway who was killed during the Apocalypse. Empedocles wants to bring on the interlace and hold Gillian in his sway for the rest of their lives never letting him escape the whelm...if Empedocles is real, that is.

Favorite Character:
Nick...cause he’s just such a manipulative bastard.

Least Favorite Character:
Susan Quint. She’s very much a social climber and not much else early in the book. Now there are layers added to her personality later in the book, but by then, the impression is made.

Favorite Scene:
Probably the Honshu Massacre. I can see that attack on that transport terminal in my mind’s eye. It’s big science fiction and action movie awesome.

Plot Holes/Out of Character:
The ghost of Edward Huromonus. The character is mentioned a number of times, but never actually appears in the story.

Last Page Sound:
Not as good as the first book, Liege Killer, but still pretty damned good.

Author Assessment:
I would read something else by this author.

Disposition of Book:
Keep it. Re-read it.