A review by paperrcuts
Feebleminded by Ariana Harwicz


"We cook pasta with walnut oil and eat dinner covered in mosquito repellent. Mum smokes as she digests the spaghetti, holding an uneaten piece of bread in her hand the way old people do. We’re born to chew on resentment, at times like this I want to see the world end, she sighs, and maybe that’s the key, let the world end and everything will begin again. And why would everything begin again? And why not? No, the question is why would it. The question is why the fuck would everything begin again?"


"Falling in love is confronting the six-foot cobra. I couldn’t teach you in time. I’m so sorry. You did teach me, mum. I failed at everything, I started your childhood back to front. I should have given you a proper education, stopped you from sticking your fingers into your shell and pulling out the slug. No, mum, you’re wrong, seeing you was enough. I hear her voice as I lie on the moss, a thin green layer covering me like fine sand. I’m lying down like a mammal, woolly ears over my eyes. I’m upholstered, lined, and between my mother and me runs a cliff edge, the water rising and rising."