A review by marimoose
The Sister of the South by Emily Rodda


The journey finally ends, and at good timing, too! I was beginning to think Lief was falling into some sort of belt-dependancy, it almost seemed like the Belt of Deltora was a type of drug one can easily get addicted to.

In retrospect, the entire series was about a boy with a magical belt that made him feel like he could do a lot of things he shouldn't be able to. A load of hogwash, I'm sure Lief could have solved the puzzles and thought through the problems just fine without the need for touching the precious belt's gemstones. But hey, if he feels better with his teddy bear, who am I to judge?

I liked the imagery concocted regarding the dragons. I've always loved dragons, and 7 of them all working together to fight a threatening presence has this majestic feel to it. It's as if you're looking at the sky and discovering that each color of the rainbow has taken shape and grown wings. I dunno, but it was pretty in my head.

The only other thing that amused me was the Shadow Lord himself. He had plans within plans within plans. I honestly wasn't sure whether the series was gonna end or not in the book until Rodda actually wrote an epilogue. But it did, and we finally see the end of terror...at least temporarily. Evil never dies, after all.