A review by ginger_curmudgeon
American Sweethearts by Adriana Herrera


I have mixed feelings about this one. It’s the end of the series, and I enjoyed the first three quite a bit. Part of each story is that some obstacle keeps the couple apart, and they need to overcome so they can be together. The obstacle in this one didn’t, at first, seem like much of an obstacle, but as the story progresses it makes more sense, and becomes very relatable in an unfortunate way. Priscilla feels like she always has to have it together in front of everyone, at the expense of her friendships and relationships. She starts to realize that it’s OK to be vulnerable, to ask for help, and to lean on others when needed. That rings true for me. I also relate to Juan Pablo and his need to always have answers, to try to fix things for others, but also to do these things in ways the keeps people at a distance. Overall, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I had some trepidation going in, but the growth of the characters, and, honestly, the intense passion in the sex kept me in it. I’m glad to have read this series.