A review by shellballenger
Revolution by Randi Cooley Wilson


Type of read: Lunch/Weekend Read.

What made me pick it up: Suggested by a friend and coworker who is letting me borrow the series after they're done reading them.

Overall rating: Just a recap of my reviews from the first three books in the Revelation series...For when you need a good book that doesn't completely ruin you, this is the series for you. It's low-pressure, low-stress, and slightly predictable content that can suck you in but doesn't overtake your day.

Now on to the review of 'Revolution.' I feel like the beginning of the book was the most ridiculous tease ever and it almost felt like Cooley Wilson had thought there was a plot twist they wanted to take and then during editing they were just like 'ope, not a fan of that anymore, let's go back to what we know.' This was my least favorite in the series so far and I felt like there was so much that was thrown into the book just to make that arch to the end of the story. I'm really hoping we end on a high note and that this isn't the start of the fall of Cooley Wilson.

Reader's Note: Revolution includes themes of death, dying, assault, torture, and sex. We get to a very mild level of spice. There is also some light BDSM.