A review by gruezelda_reads
Death in Holy Orders by P.D. James


I really enjoyed PD James' early mystery novels, but I was so disappointed by this one (and by her "science fiction" foray, [b:The Children of Men|1815727|Les filles du docteur March se marient|Louisa May Alcott|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1188737805s/1815727.jpg|3244642]) that I wouldn't read her again for several years. I found the premise of this book - the backstory I suppose - utterly improbable. My willing suspension of belief was so sorely strained I could not enjoy the mystery aspect of the book. I felt that my personal beliefs were insulted by this story background, and while I am willing to admit that is my own fault and failing, I find it unnecessary for James to have gone so far.