A review by pagesplotsandpints
A Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody


Initial Impressions 7/30/16: 3.75 - 4 stars
It started off a bit too cutesy and still remained light/fun throughout but the ending was just perfection. I loved the Groundhog Day feel and the book was easy to breeze through! It was my first contemporary from Jessica Brody (I read her sci-fi trilogy, Unremembered) and it was fun! A bit too goofy at times for me but it was a really cute book.

Full review as originally posted HERE on The Book Addict's Guide 8/2/16: It's Groundhog Daaayyy! (I hope you said that like the radio announcers in the movie...) But no, even worse... IT'S MONDAY and Ellison Sparks can't get past the worst day of the week which incidentally is about the worst day of her life. From boy issues to mean girls to family affairs, Ellie Sparks is having a tough Monday and in A WEEK OF MONDAYS, she has to do it all over again until she gets it right.

This was my first contemporary book from Jessica Brody after having read her Unremembered series which was sci-fi so I wasn't quite sure what to expect! Some authors have a tone that carries throughout their novels no matter what the genre is and others completely change depending on the characters they're writing. I feel like I was able to pick out some of that humor that I'd seen in Unremembered that really had me enjoying the characters! It was a bit slapstick at times in A WEEK OF MONDAYS but if you're going to have a Groundhog Day-type book, you gotta get some slapstick in there, right? The book definitely had a lightness to it and was a breeze to read despite its length! The way the chapters are set up make for a higher page count but don't let that fool you -- it's actually a quick read!

I could totally identify with Ellie in so many ways. I didn't have a lot of relationships in high school but whether it was relationship or crush, I know so many of us ended up trying to be the person we thought our crush wanted us to be and what they liked and sometimes not who we actually were. I liked that Ellie went on this journey of self-discovery in such a unique way. As wonderful as it is to have this total revelation as some characters do in books, Ellie had to go through the same situation SEVEN times in order to finally figure certain things out and I kind of loved that. We learn from our mistakes but we don't always learn on the first try and as terrible as it was to relive the same Monday over and over again, she was lucky enough to get another chance to take a different path in her life when so many of us are left with regrets or "what if"s.

I really, really enjoyed the ending. There was a moment there that I totally called from the start (because I just really wanted it to happen) and it totally came together in the end. I really loved how everything worked out and all of the things that Ellie made right again. It wasn't totally predictable either! I thought I knew how things would wrap up and I suppose I guessed it overall but the path to get there was different than I expected and I always love when authors are able to surprise me!

A WEEK OF MONDAYS was just a fun book from start to finish. It started off more on the silly side and slowly progressed to serious and a little deeper. I really loved Ellie's journey and the ending to the book was just perfect! A WEEK OF MONDAYS was my favorite kind of book to read in the summertime but it's great for any time of the year! I do love Jessica Brody and I look forward to reading more of her books!