A review by lynseyisreading
Sins of the Angels by Linda Poitevin, Lydia M. Hawke


What a fantastic read! I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this book.

 It's fair to say I read a heck of a lot of genre fiction, and because of that, and because I know paranormal and fantasy books aren't everyone's cup of tea, I can't often give blanket recommendations. Instead, it's usually with caveats like, "You might like this if you like books about angels", or "If you like to read about hot vampire sex, this might be your thing". This series, though, is so... classy, so well-written and intelligent, and the mystery/detective/serial killer hunt part of it so strong, that I would quite honestly say that even if you've never read a single paranormal novel in your life, you would enjoy this one. It reminded me very strongly of the In Death series by J.D Robb, only instead of futuristic SciFi elements, you have angels and demons.


Alexandra Jarvis is a homicide detective - a damn good one - who's haunted by a tragic past. When a series of brutal killings start bringing those once buried memories to the forefront of her mind again, it's really a test of her strength. When a new partner is assigned to her that is, on the one hand, the single most beautiful man she's ever seen, and on the other, the strangest, most disturbing man she's ever met, whose very nearness causes her to feel strange things, see things that can't possibly be there... We'll, it only adds more stress to an already trying time and, pretty soon, Alex begins to question her own sanity. Which in itself is a touchy subject for her and her family.

Not only does her new partner, Trent Jacob, bring out these unsettling, unexplainable feelings in Alex, but he also makes her uncomfortable at another level: he hates her. I mean like, hates her. Looks at her like something he just stepped in. Only not in an arrogant, pompous way. More like a "I would kill you this second if I thought I could get away with it" way. WTF?

There's obviously a lot more to it, and I thought the mythology and worldbuilding elements were fascinating and brilliantly entertaining. The plot moves at a super-fast clip as the killer's slayings escalate, and there's just no time for Alex to catch a breath. Everything was go, go, go from the first page, which I loved. I am looking forward, though, to maybe seeing more of Alex's softer side emerge in future books, when she's not having to be the badass cop 24 hours a day. Seriously, the girl doesn't sleep!

Speaking of future books... I'm actually terrified to go on in this series. Apparently, according to the law of Janice, as the books progress it becomes one of those series with plot twists that just totally knock you for six and rip your guts out on the way. A real humdinger that had Janice making incoherent noises down the phone at me after she finished book three, Sins of the Lost, last week. So now I'm kinda terrified and excited at the same time. I'm terricited! I don't know if it feels good or bad. I think I need someone to hold my hand through this difficult time!

So, to wrap this baby up, do I recommend this book? Well, that's and easy one—absolutely, positively, unequivocally, yes.

5 Stars ★★★★★