A review by philibrarian
アンデッドアンラック 14 by Yoshifumi Tozuka, 戸塚慶文


What a whopper of a volume. A knockout from start to finish with the way it blended the emotional core of the series with the grand story taking place and epic action. Turned out the fight with Nico last volume, was not over, and Ghost still had some tricks up its sleeve, mainly Fuuko's soul in it and the ability to possess a body (Nico's). This was a satisfying twist and one that let us see Nico take a stand for those who are moving on and learning to embrace moving forward instead of trying to always live in the past, which seems to be a throughline in this volume with both Billy and Juiz heading that way too. Once Fuuko is saved, Ruin steps up to bat, and we get one hell of a fight with Tatiana and Billy teaming up to take him down. Billy's power is revealed to be UNfair, which means that he can use multiple powers, but only ones from people who have a rage against him, hence why he "turned against" everyone. Not to hurt them, but to gain their abilities so he could kill God. The two of them also end up giving their lives for the chance of getting Fuuko and Andy to loop, which I cannot wait to see happen and what the world will be like for them going forward. Also, turns out that the card in Andy's skull is the artifact, Remember, which allows for the looping people to either unlock everyone's memories about the previous loop, or keep people isolated so they never remember (like with Victor being locked away, that was Remember). This series is so good, just got to keep on chugging along into the next loop!