A review by pagesplotsandpints
The Scorch Trials by James Dashner


Wow, I cannot believe how much I liked this! Right where The Maze Runner left off, The Scorch Trials picks up at an even faster pace and more questions (ones that we get some answers for!) - I raced along, fully engrossed in this story! It was thrilling, horrifying, a little violent, and very mysterious. The world that is the Scorch is brutal and so interesting to see what the purpose of all of this is. Now I really can't wait to read the third book! It's got me hanging on for more!

Full review originally posted on The Book Addict's Guide: Man!! I thought THE MAZE RUNNER was making my mind race and search for answers... THE SCORCH TRIALS was even more mind-bending and action-packed!

**Warning: If you haven't read The Maze Runner, there maybe be some spoilers in my review!**

We pick up in the same facility in which WICKED deposited our heroes and right away, they begin to feel the elements of the tests and confusing and impossible occurrences that really make them question who exactly these people are and what kind of power they have. And let me tell you, I was right along there with them. I was dying to know who this Big Brother, powerful group was and we know from book #1 that they're putting everyone through this to try to save humanity. But how? Why put them through all kinds of grueling tests and scenarios? What good will it do? All these questions, all throughout the book and just dying to find answers!

We find out there is a second group -- an almost identical test group -- and now the boys are faced with another dilemma -- Trust them or not? We really see Thomas's leadership skills come out in this book as his knowledge and flashes of memories from before start to grow. Sometimes I almost forget that they're supposed to be teenagers because it's a lot of battling and reasoning, and with us knowing that Teresa & Thomas were working with WICKED before they were put into the maze, we know that they're very intelligent and highly special for some reason.

I gotta say, the land of the Scorch amazed me. Every time I read one of these dystopian or post-apocalyptic novels, I just wonder how the author comes up with this stuff! It's so interesting to see what comes out of their minds and what kind of dangers they invent. The boys have a lot to keep up with as far as defense goes with the opposing group, and now harsh elements of a wasteland world as well as the diseased and infected Cranks who get more and more vicious the further the disease progresses.

It was actually quite violent and really full of adventure and action, so much that I couldn't tear myself away. I carried on as fast as my reading could take me because I was so intrigued by what was at the end of their journey, who would survive it, as well as trying to pick up clues and put them together about what really happens once they reach the safe haven.

Definitely action and intrigue are the driving forces of this book, and without describing the whole book, that's all I can really say about it! You just have to read it and get swept away with the story and the adventure. I really couldn't put it down! I will say that it was way better than THE MAZE RUNNER, as much as I enjoyed that book and it left me so anxious to read the third!