A review by mybookishdelights
A Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody


I sought this book out because I love time loop stories. There aren't a whole lot of them out there, but this one came up on a recommendation list. So I was already set up to like this. And I did. I love how during these stories, the character going through it always seems so excited at first. They do whatever they want and they are all happy at the beginning. Then there's the breaking point about halfway through and they hate it. They stop caring and don't do anything. Then the last segment is picking themselves up from their lowest point and doing what they can to make it better. They usually make good changes to themselves and break out of the cycle. I love it. I don't know why, but it's so satisfying watching a character go through all of that and overcome. I wish there more books like this. This one did it well. I enjoyed every minute of reading it.
I also enjoyed that by the end of the book I didn't hate anyone. I wasn't a fan of Tristan and as soon as I got a hint about Owen, I was on that team, but at the end I didn't really hate Tristan either. He said and did some really douchey things depending on the day, but by the end he just didn't have an effect on Ellison. That was nice.

I definitely recommend if you like this trope. It was fun and sweet and left me all warm and fuzzy.

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