A review by book_voyage
A Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody


This book was a quick, fluffy, & adorable read. While it was predictable, I still found myself wondering what was going to happen at the end because Ellie didn't break up with Tristan right away. I gave this book four stars because I kinda wish Ellie didn't have a boyfriend at the end (even though I still wanted her to end up with Owen, because c'mon they're PERFECT for each other). I wished that she had just wanted time by herself to appreciate being who she is, while being single. Women do not always need to have a boyfriend to feel validated. We are strong women who can take care of ourselves! Tristan was slightly controlling and Ellie changed herself for him. She and Owen worked as a couple because she could be her true around him. You should never have to change yourself for a guy. If you ever feel like that, please dump his ass! We all need people who appreciate us for who we are. Not people who try to change us and mold us into who they want us to be. They're better off molding a lump of clay! In the end, find yourself a person who compliments you and loves you for who you are, not who they want you to be. I also love the journey of self discovery she went on through this book. She learned a lot Bout herself by reevaluating her life and her values. She realized that its okay to do things different ways as long as you are okay with it. I also loved all of the oldies (but goodies) song references. I'm happy to have read this book.