A review by joyfulfoodie
Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson


This was a book I couldn’t stop thinking about in between reading it.

Reasons I picked it up in the first place:
* its not in my typical style
* I read from too many white authors in the past and have been seeking out authors that don’t look just like me.
* I’m a teacher in a mixed income area - sometimes we get foster kids. I wanted to have a better perspective on what a non traditional home life /could/ look like.

To This Last Point.... I have been blessed with an incredibly sheltered upbringing. If I resemble anyone in this book at all it is the naive therapist trying to connect with these tortured youth. I have NO IDEA if this is AT ALL realistic. It was horrifying though. Large pieces of it felt very real so I expect that it is real for many group homes, and I found it eye opening. I did see many of the basic fight or flight survival instincts in some of my more extreme reactions from individuals over the years, and I can see from this where some of those may have come from.

The story kept me guessing. I didn’t see the twists coming. I reread parts of the last couple of pages several times to be sure I had gotten that right. She wove a good story, enjoyable for adults as well as YA.

As far as age appropriateness... there are some really tough issues. Murder of a parent. Murder of a baby. Several threats to murder a baby, both unborn and once born. Attempted murder of pregnant teen. Teenage pregnancy. Cheating, lying, stealing.

It’s all done in the scope of survival... but through a lens of mental illness. I think it depends a lot on the maturity of the reader. If they are looking to relate and not feel alone.... ehh? She’s a questionable role model. SAT wise yes, final pages, no. So only if it’s going to be discussed. As a wake up call for someone privileged? Yes. With discussion. And support.