A review by creech
Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card


Now I’m scared to read more of Card’s writings.

Spoilers **
Enders game was awesome and Speaker for the Dead was an odd turn but surprisingly good.
After that, and especially in this book, it’s so much philosophizing and annoying character bickering endlessly that by the time our beloved Ender has someone speak for his death, we don’t get to hear his whole story become know across the universe (bringing justice to the one character we care about most) but what is said of him is that he’s no better than any one of us… um what??

Also why doesn’t Jane broadcast all this footage of the pigs and them stopping the virus and that the real speaker for the dead is on the planet siding this long silent standoff while they await destruction? And his sister Valentine Wiggin literally helped Peter take over the world with writing and was writing all the time on her ship to the Planet where everyone is Brazilian, yet once arrived, doesn’t seem to realize writing and showing pictures and footage of everything going on there including the buggers being alive again could help save the planet for being destroyed precisely because the universe don’t realize all this stuff about what’s happening there.