A review by downthebookhole
Volition by Lily Paradis


*I would like to thank the publisher and author for having the opportunity to work as a beta reader for this book and receiving an arc copy in return for my honest opinion and review*

The author wrote a foreword for this book explaining it a little (which make sure you read to understand the story and where it is coming from) This is a story she wrote for herself and has a deep place in her heart. Just seeing that makes the feelings and story have that much more of an impact. I feel like books that are written for a purpose such as this show a part of authors you do not always get to see. You can tell that Paradis poured her heart and soul into this book and that passion shows through. The book is told from the head of the main character and through it you see her darker side as well as all her struggles. Everything is about perception and in the end it isn’t how you feel about what is going on, but how the main character, Tate is feeling, handling and overall dealing with the situations and inner struggles that is important to take from the story.

Beautifully twisted…A novel that shocks and surprises, and is not your typical love story. A gripping read filled with complex characters, dark humor and lyrical writing that leaves you wanting more! Paradis produced a story that carried a lot of emotion that dealt with love, relationships, and the darkness that surrounds death and the mark it leaves on those who have escaped it.

I have to admit that I am very picky when it comes to contemporary and romance novels. This has been a recent genre that I have been breaking into and have found that I really enjoy the new adult genre. It might be because I can really relate and understand where they are at in life as I have just graduated college or it might be that those new adult books that I have read have accomplished great stories that are darker, complex and missing those corny cliches and cheese that I associate with romance. Volition was no exception, it surprised me, shocked me and really captivated me on more levels then just the love story.

Paradis produced a story that carried a lot of emotion that dealt with love, relationships, and the darkness that surrounds death and the mark it leaves on those who have escaped it. The writing is playful, youthful and almost lyrical, while still covering complex and dark subjects. The story unfolding from both side of the past and present really provide an insight into the characters and the situation that add the depth and complexity that drives the story to be more than just a story. You are lead to become attached and feel for the characters throughout the story. I got so invested that at times I wanted to throw the book across the room at points when I was frustrated or the story did not go the way I wanted it to. I did have a few small issues with the last few chapters turned into insight from each character on a certain situation and although I enjoyed seeing the events from their perspectives there was just something awkward about it for me. Other than that I thought it brought the story full circle and really gave you a story that felt like the main character was sitting next to you telling it herself.

Not only did Volition have a fun,feisty and a little twisted main character, Tate, but it also had a great complex love interest full of his own secrets and great supporting secondary characters that had their own quirks and issues. Paradis really developed these characters and their relationships and gave story that dealt with more than fluffy, all consuming love. The love wasn’t the cliche, insta-love, but there was hurdles and struggles that the characters had to face while building their relationship. I was a huge fan of both Hayden (the love interest) and Colin (Tate’s best friend). They were both witty and definitely swoon worthy! Hayden was a really intriguing character. He was complex and was more than what he seemed. The love he has for Tate and the things he would do and does for her made me fall so in love with him. (Hayden is definitely a new book boyfriend for me) Although you hate Jesse because you are seeing him from Tate’s eyes and perspective I thought his character really added to the story and Tate as a person. It is something that made her who she is and it was nice being able to see the impact that the toxic relationship had on the rest of her life and how she was able to over come and move on from the strings she had so closely intertwined with him.

Overall I found Volition did exactly what a good book should do. It created a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings throughout the whole story. I got attached to characters, was able to identify and understand them, their quirks and choices. The relationships were flushed out and well developed, layered with twists and shocks that created for a more believable and realistic relationship. There were parts were I was laughing at the witty banter between characters, moments I was frustrated with the situation and actions of the characters, times were I was tearing up and those beautiful awe-struck scenes that I was filled with happiness. It was an extremely captivating and dark read that was layered with humor, some plot twists and some questions about if the author has been scorned!

I would recommend this book to those who enjoy more from a romance/contemporary novel with some complex and at time dark/twisted characters layer with some deep meanings and subject. This is my second time reading this book and I just feel a strong connection with Tate and in a way feel a connection to the author through this story. This book is not for everyone, but it is one that has completely won me over and I can see myself rereading this many times.