A review by vrstal
Their Bounty by K.A. Merikan


So… this sent me into a bit of, not a hangover but a slump? I felt so weird after this but it confirms I can only read dark romance after buffered with fluff and low stakes romance. This is MMMMM, dark, and steamy. The center of this polyamory is Clover, and it’s unsurprising my favorite character is Drake.

Even while I think I enjoyed this book, there’s a lot that was not dealt with… properly? I guess? In my head and I don’t know if it was just a ‘this is dark romance so it won’t be’ thing but it left me feeling not great. Clover is 19 and they’re all older than him, but I think it’s only specified that one is 25. I don’t remember them all being named. Clover is an orphan and doesn’t trust anyone. So it makes sense that after ten days if someone says they are crushing on him and want something more he would react in a harsh way. I get this was charged with BDSM (and not exactly all sane/safe), so the rule being ‘no disrespect’ is, fine, but the way they all turned against him during the outburst was awful. That, on top of the basically punishment-rape that Pyro never apologized for, and no one took even an ounce of pity/concern for Clover over it? That was my least favorite part. I get that they are all loyal to each other over Clover, but god. Hateful.