A review by eantoinette285
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon


Oh Sassenach... Mo duinne. The things Jamie Fraser is capable of making a girl feel just know no bounds.

I was hesitant to start this series, I must admit. I had heard wonderful things about the show, but since I don't get Starz (mostly due to being frugal with my cable company) I hadn't watched it yet. However, I didn't want to go the way of Game of Thrones and go into the show completely blind as to the premise of the story. In reading reviews on here, I was wary because people seemed to either love it or loathe it. I decided to just risk it and decide for myself.

The lore, mystery, and romance of the highlands of Scotland, men in kilts, the swoony words that come out of Jamie Fraser's mouth... I could go on, but I just don't know how anyone could NOT love this series. If it's because of the love scenes, then I guess romance novels are not your cup of tea, because these scenes were tender and tame compared to other novels I've read in the past.

My only hang up was Claire and her lack of appreciation for Jamie. I know it made sense to her character and to the story, but I just didn't care for it. She's a combat nurse after the second World War, and she's happily married (even on a second honeymoon with her husband, Frank), but she stumbled through the crack in the stone circle and found Jamie. Their circumstances caused them to marry, and she's less thrilled than he is, but he's patient and lovely to her and I don't think she is quite deserving of his heart and attentions. It's a very real struggle, because like I said, I understand why she acts the way she does, but it just made my heart ache because I knew she belonged with Jamie. Needless to say, I was thrilled that she finally came to her senses and stayed on his side of the rock with him.