A review by jamsu
Quicksilver by Callie Hart


I liked pretty much every friendship Saeris had in this book. I liked seeing Everlayne been there for her when Saeris was pulled to the fae world. I loved how hilarious Carrion was and always there for her. Renfis was more Fisher's friend but he was so nice to her. 

I loved the growth of Kingfisher's and Saeris relationship. There were times where I was convinced that I couldn't like them together but in the end I wished that the book hadn't ended I had go to see them more. He might've not been the nicest but he always gave her the truth. I enjoyed his character but I wish he had been more "villain-y" so he would have been more selfish instead of doing things to "protect" her.

Saeris was just the kind of love interest he needed. She's strong, unclingy, smart. They were enemies more of the book than not but we also got sweet moments like her being there for him and him being the only one to ever wash her hair.

I can't describe how annoying Danya was to me. She was there to just punch people when she was angry and just being her bitchy self. She's supposed to be over a hundred years old but she kept moaning about-- pretty much everything because of her temper and thinking that humans were below them. She managed to even ruin getting help because of her big mouth. You'd think that as a soldier she would know when to shut up.

I hope they can somehow fix the cleansing. 

I do not like dogs, so I loved that instead of Saeris getting one, she got a pet fox. That was something different and her naming it Onyx was just cute.

I can't really name a fantasy book where the world didn't make me bored but Quicksilver was different! I didn't skim at all and I was so pulled towards every single word. I loved how it wasn't too difficult and didn't have too much action to my taste. I loved that quicksilver were able to talk to Saeris and how much they liked Lorreth.

All in all I started to have my doubts about the romance in this book about midway through but Hart really pulled it off! I loved the world and I hope we get to see Hayden again in the second book. Books rarely shock me these days but this book managed to have few reveals that even shocked me.