A review by anarchasemiyah
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction by Sumaya Awad, Brian Bean

hopeful informative reflective fast-paced


As I take a sip of water, the taste of guilt is bitter on my tongue when I think of Palestinians in Gaza being without it to hydrate them. I’ve learned it takes more than being without the necessities, more than being denied your right to exist, more than being on the verge (again) of being eradicated from land that is rightly yours to break the resilience of Palestinians. Not even 75 years is enough to cause the Palestinians to waffle in their fight for liberation.

As I hug my mother, I think of the children that have lost theirs. As my mother tightens our embrace, the realization hits me that a mother’s has lost her young one to a missile strike. As I dig through every bit of information available to educate myself, I remember the video I saw of a father calling out for his son trapped under rubble. As I sit from the comfort of my bed hoping the sounds of music will sooth just a smidge of the chaos that’s occupied my mind like Israel occupies Palestine, I see that I have privileges I never even fully acknowledged.   

Palestine: A Socialist Introduction is an extraordinary comprehensive piece of work that diligently explores the plight of Palestinians while providing insightful political and historical context, details the US consistent complicity in Israel’s crimes against Palestinians and Palestinian resistance, and what those of us fighting for liberation must continue to do. None of us are free, until all of us are free therefore: 

Free oppressed people from their oppressors
Free Tigray
Keep Eyes on Sudan &
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free. 🇵🇸