A review by bozzi1
Black House by Stephen King

adventurous dark mysterious medium-paced


“Why must life always demand so much and give so little?”…Ka.”

Wow, I freaking love this book! I wasn’t sure about it at first…the narrative is different and it was slow to get started, but once the action got going and those dark tower connections showed up I was all in. 

The characters are so fantastic. In The Talisman we had Jack and Wolf, but I had a hard time really getting into the rest and found them forgettable once I finished. I don’t think I’ll have that problem with Black House. The Harley riding intellectuals, the Marshall family, Dale, and of course Henry feel like friends-not on the ka tet level, but close. Chipper and Wendell are annoying but entertaining pests, while The Fisherman is the stuff of nightmares. Darker than The Talisman, this one feels grittier throughout and except for the slow start, there was never a boring section I had to try to get through rather than savor. The ending, imo, was exceptionally well done. 

Coincidentally, I read Ghost Story by Straub as I read Black House and there are Easter eggs to it as well. I love seeing a little nod to IT, or Insomnia, or any of the other ‘tower-related’ King books and it was really cool to recognize things from Ghost Story as well. It also made me more familiar with Straub’s writing so I could easily identify some sections that were all him and others that were all King. I think they blended together really well, better than The Talisman, and I really hate that we won’t ever get to see the much talked about third book from the two of them.