A review by dorinlazar
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1 by Hiromu Arakawa


An awesome introduction to what promises to be an awesome series. I like the fact that it starts with a few (relatively) disconnected episodes that explain a bit better what this is all about.

Second reading: A few disconnected episodes introduce us to the main characters. But perhaps the most notable story is the very first one, where the nuance and the subtlety in the young zealot girl, Rose, really conquered me. The moment where she asks „and what should I believe in now” is probably one of the highlights of this series, and it's only just beginning.

I am always amused to see Edward hysterically yelling at people when they complain about his height or his age. I also think that in the beginning, Edward is truly overpowered - the episode with the mining town shows it.

Also, it's nice to see the introduction of the main villains, done in a subtle manner. All in all an enjoyable read, and a nice kickstart for the series.