A review by justabean_reads
Indigiqueerness: A Conversation about Storytelling by Joshua Whitehead

funny informative reflective fast-paced


I really think we should bring the word pamphlet back, or at least 'zine. This was a 'zine. About ninety pages, lots of Whitehead's photography, lots of artistically arranged pull quotes, very pretty design overall. I'm sorry I just had it as a digital copy from the library, as it looked like the kind of book you'd want to hold in your hands.

The conversation is about being queer and Indigenous, rural and urban life, telling your own stories and having them told about you. There was a lot about how much of Whitehead himself went into Jonny Appleseed, and how much was a reaction to the way queerness is seen as being in opposition to reserve life, and the only queer narratives being urban white men. I'm not sure how much you'd get out of it if you hadn't read his other work, but I really liked it.