A review by devinsf
The Roswell Report: Case Closed by U.S. Air Force


This book is fantastic. Commissioned by the Air Force as a detailed response to the questions and claims surrounding "The Roswell Incident," the sheer interesting-ness of the declassified topics covered (such as Operation Mogul, and the various odd things being tested by the Air Force during the postwar period) more than make up for the curt, kinda stuffy gov-report writing style.

Parts of this book are dedicated to responding to very specific points of the Roswell UFO mythology; for example, comparing air force records to claims made by eye-witnesses. True believers will likely characterize the depth of the research and interesting points of connection for the people involved as "just another smokescreen," but for the casual reader, the stories are engrossing and make for a thoroughly fascinating read.

Highly recommended! pick this one up.