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A review by chronicreader96
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare


This is my favourite book in this series so far! I already want to delve straight back into the shadowhunter world and feel lost saying goodbye to it for a period.

City of Glass returns to the lives of Clary, Jace, their friends and family. Clary has to get to Idris so she can save her mothers life, but Jace does not want her to come. As Valentine ramps up his demon plans can Shadowhunters work with Downworlders to save everyone?

There were parts of this book where I had tears in my eyes, Cassandra knows just how to break my heart! I also found myself shaking, desperate to know what would happen next. Often I would skip ahead a sentence or two because my eyes were just so desperate to find out what would happen! This definitely felt like a step up from the first two books for me. Although there are still characteristics in Jace and Clary that I struggle with. But their immaturity just seems to reflect their age. I loved the growth of Simon in this one as he gets used to being a vampire.

I also loved some of the messages in this one such as: being yourself, love can make us stronger and working with people who are different to us can make us more powerful and united in ways we couldn’t imagine. I still have a deep love for Magnus Bane and was really excited to see him cropping up again. We were also introduced to some new characters, I am looking forward to seeing what happens with them in the future. Cassandra has created a wonderful fantasy world through her books that I just get completely lost in. I cannot wait to read more!

I recommend this series to fans of young adult fantasy.