A review by torih_reads
A Circle of Uncommon Witches by Paige Crutcher

  • Diverse cast of characters? No


I really don’t like rating this story so low, because I truly think this is a me thing, but I’m trying to be consistent in how I rate my reads. I wanted to like this story - this is my second attempt reading, and I hoped it was just the head space I was in when I tried reading the first time, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. I spent most of the story confused and often caught myself skimming.

The POVs jumped around without warning, the magic system is never fully explained, and although the lore is interesting, it’s dumped on the reader randomly throughout the story and did little to increase my understanding. I felt disconnected from the characters and to me the plot was a whole lot of tell. I wish there were glimpses of Margot and Doreen as younger witches, so I could more fully understand their relationship with Stella and the ways in which their magic formed. A prologue showcasing Ambrose’s and Lenora’s doomed romance would also have been extremely helpful. 

This story had a whole lot of potential, but I just couldn’t get engaged and had to force myself to finish. I’m sure this book has its audience, but it just wasn’t for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.