A review by phidgt
Infinite Country by Patricia Engel


Patricia Engel's writing style in this novel is to get to the point quickly and move on. She doesn't spend a huge amount of time creating her characters. There isn’t time spent on dialogue or scene descriptions. Actually, Engel doesn’t spend a lot of time on anything. But then, there really isn’t a need for any of that in order to tell this story. The reader is given just enough to feel the emotion and care. For me, that’s all I can really ask for in a good story.

This is the story of a family of immigrants leaving Columbia in search of the American Dream, the decisions they are forced to make, and the hardships they endure in order to possibly achieve that dream. The narrative bounces back and forth between the past and the present giving each character an opportunity to tell their own story.

I felt that “Infinite Country” was a good book because it was hopeful and I'm glad I read it.