A review by adelesbooks
Reclaimed by Jaymin Eve


Reclaimed - Jaymin Eve ⭐⭐⭐

It was a bad idea to continue a series almost two years after I read the first book. I didn't remember a single thing that happened in the first novel.
If I move past the fact that I had no clue what was happening, I ate this story up. It was an incredibly fast read. It could be because I listened to the audiobook but still.
The main character is a badass female with a big mouth and no self-preservation skills. Add a love interest who is an insanely powerful overprotective bastard, and you have a power couple.
A lot of world-building same as the first book if I remember correctly. We are exploring a new world which is also the home of the male love interest. Apart from all the action going on, we find a ton of information. We save the whole universe and end this adventure with an impossible cliffhanger.
The world-building wasn't that impressive in my humble opinion. I honestly don't remember much about it. That speaks for itself.
On the other hand, the characters Jaymin Eve created are top-class. From the main character to the ones, who were introduced as the story progressed, they were all unique. Every single one is special in their own way. I laughed with them. Some I hated since the moment they were introduced. And I grew very attached to a lot of them.
Overall a great book. Big plus if you listen to the audiobook. The narrators did a phenomenal job. Quick read, thanks to the short chapters, which often leave you wanting more. I gave Reclaimed 3/5 stars, and I recommend this whole series.