A review by kronosbach
The Reckoning of Roku by Randy Ribay


The fifth Avatar novel is honestly my least favorite of the lot so far I think. While it does things I quite like, and it was intresting to set it during the training period of an Avatar, which Kyoshi kind of does and Yangchen doesn't at all.

The main plot though, I didn't much care for it, it feels like an extremely extended plot that you'd see in Avatar, like one episode that went on for far too long. It just wasn't an idea that was strong enough to support the majority of an 11 hour audiobook.

I did like Roku well enough and I think my interest was well supported during the first half of the novel.

I liked that trans people are now recognized in the Avatar canon, at least in the Air Temples.

Overall good stuff but not my favorite. I hope the second one has a more intresting plot personally.

Not that it's a bad idea for a plot, I just think it wasn't a good idea for a novel, maybe a movie or two episodes of a series woulda been better. That's just my opinion though idk.