A review by jade_ls_lee
Literary Witches: A Celebration of Magical Women Writers by Taisia Kitaiskaia


5 zvaigznes par priekšvārdu, 3 - par pašu grāmatiņu, kas bija daudz īsāka un savādāka nekā biju domājusi.

Because all artists are magicians, and Witches wield a special magic. Witches and women writers alike dwell in creativity, mystery, and other worlds. They aren’t afraid to be alone in the woods of their imaginations, or to live in huts of their own making. They’re not afraid of the dark."

"She’s an intelligent, resilient being who changes with the times, and changes the times along with her."

"I've come to realize that the Witch is arguably the only female archetype that has power on its own terms. She is not defined by anyone else. Wife, sister, mother, virgin, whore—these archetypes draw meaning based on relationships with others. The Witch, however, is a woman who stands entirely on her own. She is more often than not an outsider, and her gift is transformation. She is a change agent, and her work is sparked by speech: an incantation, a naming, a blessing, a curse."

"Who is more worthy of this moniker than female writers, who themselves conjure worlds out of words? Certainly they have much in common with witches: women who create things other than children are still considered dangerous by many."