A review by x3sierra
The Haunted Bridge by Carolyn Keene


Nancy Drew and her friends are on their latest adventure at a resort with a golf course which has a “haunted bridge.” DUN DUN DUNNN.
I honestly am not sure why they decided to title this “The Haunted Bridge” because the “mystery” of the bridge gets solved pretty quickly. What the bridge leads to, however, is another story. This was one of my more favorite Nancy Drew stories that I have read so far. It was a lot more exciting and did not contain the very typical Nancy Drew gets kidnapped at some point plot. My one problem with it, which shows the date that it was written, is there was a point where Nancy is approached by a man and the attention is unwanted. She and her friends say “No, I won’t tell anyone. No one will believe us.” Like, UGH. It just reminds you what was so wrong with society back then. Overall, I did really enjoy the story (even though the golfing aspect was kind of dry) and will obviously keep reading Nancy Drew.