A review by sycokittykat
Forbidden Valentine by Emily Klepp

dark fast-paced


Oink oink

Beware the St. Valentine Butcher. He is ruthless to rapists, pedophiles, wife beaters, and people who hurt or kill innocent people. 

Mila Hart is just a few months away from graduation. However, the teacher for her human sexuality class is a distraction she would love to get under.

When a blind date blatantly tries to drug her and then attacks her after she leaves the restaurant Mila finds herself face to face with the Butcher. The rest of the story plays out exactly as you expect. It's soft, rough, and above all else very hot 🥵. 

"You are the most dangerous dork I have ever met"

I love Emily's book and this one did not disappoint. Oh and the oink oink makes perfect sense but you have to read it first. 🐖