A review by chirptripwrites
The Rust Maidens by Gwendolyn Kiste


A solid 4 stars for me! Neat nonlinear story with some parts bouncing back from 1980 to the current(ish) day. Some parts of the story really engaged me, at other points it was hard to keep me engaged as before.

The Rust Maidens as a concept is really good, like the symbolism involved with it, but at the same time they could have been used more. I feel like the story left me with wanting more out of, but not in the traditional way of wanting more. More like something was missing that I wanted. I think I wanted more involvement with the Rust Maidens themselves and spend more time with them y’know?

But yeah, could've used more Rust Maidens, some parts dragged on, but for what the novel wants to tell, I felt like it did pretty good at it.