A review by essjay
The Really Dead Wives of New Jersey: A Novel by Astrid Dahl


Astrid Dahl was the lead of Anna Dorn's Perfume & Pain, one of my top new releases of 2024 (so far) and is high up on my list of favourite messy queer women protagonists. So ofc when I got the email inviting me to read her upcoming The Really Dead Wives of New Jersey, I said "uh, fuck yeah" to myself and immediately added it to my reader. 

It came as no surprise that messy as fuck Astrid Dahl would write more messy as fuck queer women, and when you add on the fact that it's a murder mystery taking place during the filming of a trashy reality show, OF COURSE I'm going to love it. 

I don't even care that the mystery wasn't all that mysterious bc I was having such a great time with the characters. 

More, please.