A review by missylynne
The Grand Duchess of Nowhere by Laurie Graham


Told through the eyes of Ducky, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. You follow her through marriage, divorce, a second marriage and revolution. The downfall of Tsar Nicholas is a big part of the backstory, so you have some interaction with the Tsar and his family, mainly Alexandra who doesn't get along with Duck though they are cousins. Namely due to the fact that Ducky divorced Ernie, Alexandra's brother..

Perhaps I'm bias when it comes to my favourites in history, but I didn't care for Ducky or the way she acted and treated some of her family, namely Ernie and Alex.

Ducky's character felt childish and some of the dialect felt too childish at times as well.

The book could have been made a lot shorter without all of the unnecessary historical bits that were thrown in. I get that you want to give people an idea as to what is going on, but I felt like I was reading a boring history book at times, and I love history.