A review by lacafe13
Emerging Gender Identities: Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Today's Youth by Julia Sadusky, Mark Yarhouse


I highly recommend this book as a practical guide to how to approach those with gender identity concerns. The authors provide helpful considerations and recommendations based on their years of experience in the field of psychology focused on gender and sexuality. They provide some background and critique of prevailing views both inside and outside the church. This book is especially helpful in recognizing the gulf that can occur between the very important theoretical and the equally important practical outworking. If Christians are to love all their neighbours, how does that love look? How do we love our neighbours who struggle with gender identity the best we can, with Christ’s love? This is indeed an important question! They draw on Christian practices/values/virtues such as hospitality and humility to guide their suggestions, while also urging Christians not to compromise the truth while doing so.

That said, the weakest part of the book is that the authors do not delve into theological or philosophical considerations with much depth. This is understandable, given it is outside their field. I think if this is read alongside books such as Nancy Pearcy’s book “Love Thy Body” and Carl Trueman’s “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self”, those deficiencies would be adequately overcome. It would also be helpful to read Yarhouse’s other book on gender dysphoria “Understanding Gender Dysphoria” for further psychological background.